Yok Chan's Chilli Oil featured on Sorted Food
Very belated but we're continuing to shout about the unexpected feature we got on the Sorted Food YouTube channel that happened a few months ago. This time, in blog form! Allow us to indulge a bit and tell you the full story.
The Portender
We were at home when we heard that joyous 'cha-ching' sound from the Shopify app, when an online order comes through. A minute later another came through, then another two a minute later. The orders consistently kept coming in and we had no idea what was going on. At times it was four in a minute.
Ol skeptical head here thought these orders MUST be fraudulent and that our website had been hacked. I messaged Shopify to check if the orders were legit, they confirmed they were. I asked a few influencers if they'd posted anything we hadn't seen, nope. We had 40+ orders in an hour and were bewildered and in shock.
I was in the middle of adding a post-checkout poll and when completing it's set up, we finally found out. 'Sorted Food' and 'YouTube' came up as the answer as to where people had heard of us. A quick search on YouTube and unbeknownst to us, our chilli oil was featured on the Sorted Food video channel!
The Feature
In the video, two of the hosts from the show (Barry and Jamie) were tasked with creating dishes with ingredients found in a pro chef's fridge. The chef was Fallow restaurant co-founder Will Murray, in which to our surprise one of the items pulled out was none other than Yok Chan's Chilli Oil.
To add to the glory, Will Murray said this about our chilli oil:
'This is probably the best crispy chilli you could ever use'
and that it's
'not just like a standard chilli'.
Pretty wild right. It's first of all mad that it was in his fridge i.e. he had chosen to buy it, but also it a glowing review. Remarkably it kept coming.
During cooking, host Ben asked the other two:
'Given our entire purpose, is to take the wonders that go on in chef's heads and distill them down for normal home cooks. Is there anything from Will's fridge that you think, "I need to have that in my fridge more often"?'
In which they replied:
'I love a chilli oil. This one offers something a little bit different than other ones I've had in the past. I'm definitely taking that one home.'
'I agree because I have hot sauces but I don't have hot oils. So I think that's a really, really decent one to have.'

I genuinely don't think we could have had a better review, and it happened all on it's own, completely organically. Plus it was the only product they mentioned. Big ups to David's Deli for facilitating this journey. It was the perfect feature.
Thanks to this we had 100+ orders in 5 days. And I'm happy to say that we've gained a few return customers. Thank you Sorted Food. The most important thing is YC enjoyed the video as well, showing her mates and everything :)
Link to video above. To go straight to the YCCO bits, see links below:
Big love
Michael x